Little Britain: hoodwinked

By Nic Price on 15 May 2005 — 1 min read

So this week with Tony Blair’s full backing, Bluewater shopping centre in Kent banned shoppers from wearing hoodies and baseball caps because people find them frightening.

I wish as a society we would get to the heart of the matter, the underlying reasons behind this so called antisocial behaviour, rather than always going for soft targets, the superficial “quick-wins.”

If I was a “yoof” and heard that news I’d insist on wearing my hoody absolutely everywhere I went, just to make a point.

In fact I’ve a good mind to go out and buy a hoody so I can do exactly that.

Now, where on earth am I going to find a shop selling hoodies?

Aha! I know just the place…

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  • Couldn’t agree more – Gill and I were talking along similar lines on Sat. Think she would like your message!

  • John Prescott has been telling a story about how he was recently the subject of some unwelcome attention from a bunch of kids in caps and hoods at a service station. He claims to have felt genuinely intimidated, although this feeling must have lasted all of about 10 seconds as his security men quickly emerged from the shadows and diffused the situation – something for which the yoofs should be very grateful, judging by Prezza’s past displays of restraint.

  • Jo, I thought you were going to say they turned out to be wearing service station uniforms 😉

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